Happy New Year
Happy New Year to you all.
May we thank all of you for the wonderful presents we received for Christmas, we all got very spoiled.
New Year News
Tennis lessons start for pre school on Thursday 7th January. Dan is a professional tennis coach and he will be teaching the children throughout the year.
Frenchtastic will continue with french lessons on a Thursday for pre school, and Drama lessons with Music masters continue on Thursday mornings for all other age groups.
Our Rainbow Rhyme ladies will be here every other Wednesday to perform and to encourage the children to use a variety of instruments, and to sing songs linked to our curriculum.
Richard our music man will be in every Tuesday to sing along with the children to a variety of songs.
Staff Updates
Some of you will remember Abbey who went off last year to have her baby daughter. Abbey returns to Swans room on Wednesday 5th January, and she will be working three days per week.
Our topic throughout the nursery for January is Dinosaurs. We shall be exploring their living environment, looking at books and films, and linking with Harry and his bucket full of Dinosaurs, for age and stage links.