June News

June News

Our garden room is coming on well. The electric’s are all in  now, and the children are using the room every day. The children have started their planting for the summer months, and the butterflies have all been released into the garden.

This month we will focus on holidays, and summer fun, along with transition, as a lot of our children will be moving onto schools soon, and /or changing rooms. We work very closely  with the local schools on transition for our children, and the teachers are booking appointments already to visit the setting to meet their new pupils.

In July we will have a parents evening for all rooms. Dates to follow.

Lots of parents are using the Government scheme to pay their fees at the moment, however the payments are getting increasingly late. We have no control over the payments, it is the parents responsibility to deal with the accounts to release payments to the setting on time.

Unfortunately we are having to issue late fees to parents whose fees are continually late, we don’t like to do this , however fees have to be paid on time to effectively run the setting. Please check on your account regularly to avoid late fees.

Also parents whose children will be 3 years old before 31st August 2019 must now start to apply for their 30 hour codes from the Government website childcare choices. Please submit the codes to the nursery by early August so that we can validate them through Walsall council. Any problems please contact me .