November News
Thank you to all parents who attended our recent parents evening and bake off sale. We raised just under £100.00 for macMillan.
This month the children will be creating lots of colourful artwork based around Remembrance poppies, fireworks, and christmas decorations. We have a christmas tree at the All Saints Church on Foley Road which the children will be decorating, and then the church will open its doors to all parents to view , not just our tree but several more from community projects and local businesses. The dates to view are 1st, 2nd and 3rd December. During this weekend the church has local school choirs singing, and story sessions running. Its really a magical weekend at the local church, try not to miss it.
Dates will be released shortly for Christmas parties, and just an early warning that the nursery will close on December 22nd at 4pm, and re open on January 2nd 2018 at 07.30am.
Children in need day is on the 18th November. We will be holding a pyjama day for staff and children, and we kindly request a £1.00 donation.
The staff have asked me to mention collection procedures for the children. We do request that after feedback from the staff, that you leave the room so the staff can continue activities with the remaining children. Some parents are staying in the rooms to meet up with other parents, and playing with the children. This is not permitted for safeguarding reasons.