October News and Events
Autumn Has Arrived.
Our focus for this month is the 5 senses taste, smell, hearing , sight and touch.
Taste- lots of food tasting from around the world, discovering new flavours. In fact we have a new Autumn menu starting on the 10th October, so please request new menus if you want copies. We will have them on display on the family board and in the rooms also.
Smell- linking in with the food above, discovering new smells.
Touch- focusing on hot and cold, along with our food theme. Also some sensory work with the children, e.g scented play dough.
Sight-We will be on the hunt in the garden for mini beasts, looking through our magnifying glasses, and using our binoculars to spot creepy crawlies!
Hearing-as always there will be lots of music and songs at the nursery. We will be having dress up party day in all rooms on 31st October , it doesn’t have to be scary/spooky fancy dress, just what the children are happy with.
As a nursery we have to up date our policies regularly. Our illness/medication policy has been reviewed in line with National Day Nurseries Association recommendations, and we do have 2 significant change to announce. Children on antibiotic’s will need to refrain from attending nursery for 48 hours. This is because it is important that children are not subjected to the rigours of the nursery day, which requires socialising with other children and being part of a group setting. Also children with sickness and diarrhoea must not attend nursery until they have been clear for 48 hours.
We will be sending the full policies out to you all, and shortly sending out confirmed dates for our parents evening (2nd and 3rd November) where we will discuss new policies and procedures .
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