September Topics and News

September Topics and News

Hi all, hope you all enjoyed the summer? The children at nursery have certainly enjoyed our outdoor play throughout August.

Our topics for September are: Mini beasts, growth including plants and trees, the Harvest festival and the Jewish New Year.

All rooms will be asking for a food donation for our local food bank based at Elim Church in Kingstanding. We do this every year, and the staff at the church are always most grateful.

Swans room are planning to use the outdoor mud kitchen so please provide really old clothes, the children do love this activity. Caterpillar and Butterfly room will be exploring the Jewish new Year which links to the EYFS “people and communities area”.

We have many new children at the setting and we welcome them all to our nursery family.

Just a reminder to make sure you provide new juice cups regularly, the press have plenty of pictures about the hazards of some very well known makes harbouring bacteria and making children ill. Also spare clothes, if you have any of ours please return them as we are running low at the moment.

Finally, please spare a minute when you enter nursery and have a look on the wall at the framed letter that we received from the queen. The children and staff sent some cards and pictures for the queens 90th Birthday celebration, and she has been kind enough to respond to us, we are very honoured indeed.