November News

November News

This month we have lots going on at the nursery. We are starting the month off by celebrating Diwali, the festival of light. The children will be making Diya lanterns, and watching a short video which will explain about Diwali celebrations. We follow this with November 5th, bonfire night. The children will be painting their own fireworks, and discussing colours.

8th November is maths week. Each age group will be working on a variety of activities to do with numbers , shapes, volume, etc.

For Remembrance day the children will be making poppies to display around the nursery.

15th November is road safety week. we will be using books, and songs to help the children understand how to stay safe by the road side. We will be taking our older children out for a walk around the area to practice crossing the roads safely.

Tuesday 19th November is children in need day at the nursery. Please send the children in to the setting dressed up, and donate a £1.00 for a good cause.

Please make sure we have wellies , hats and coats now the weather has turned, we love to go outdoors daily.

Just a reminder that the nursery will close on Christmas Eve at 1.00pm, and re open on  Tuesday January 4th