Checking In !

Checking In !

Hello Everyone

Hope you are all well and safe at home? We are missing all the children so much, the nursery is so quiet without the laughter and voices of our children.

With this in mind the staff and I plan to drop some goody bags off to the children next week, full of art and craft activities. We will be leaving them on your doorsteps, so we all keep safe. What we would ask you all to do in return is to paint or draw rainbows for us , so we can put them all around the nursery, and bring some joy in these uncertain times.

You can leave them out for us to collect on the day we drop off  the bags, or email/post them to us. Please also take some time to update your E learning portal with pictures and videos of what you are up to, this all helps with your child’s learning journal.

So , we look forward to seeing you all next week, we will up date you with a specific day soon.

Stay Safe, stay in, and support the NHS.