Facilities / Galleries

Baby Unit (0 – 12 months)

Our baby unit is led by Emma, a degree led practitioner with over 18 years experience. The unit comprises of a kitchen area for meal times, with several highchairs  a separate play area with double doors opening onto the garden area, for babies age group only, and a cosy separate sleep room with a selection of cots.

Tweenie One Room (1 to 2 years)

This is a large bright room with double doors leading out onto a soft play area.The doors are often open for free flow play. Four qualified staff work in this section, all with their own key worker children to observe and care for.

There is a large separate sleep area with dedicated sleep mats , for that quiet time, where staff will be present in the room monitoring the children.

It also has its own kitchen area.

Tweenie Two Unit (2-3 years)

We have two rooms for our two year old children to explore and learn in.

Cubs Room

Our Cubs room caters for children aged 24-30 months. This room is led by our Hanen trained staff to promote emerging speech and language. In this room our trained staff look closely into communication techniques and rich interactions with the children, building relationships that build trust and communication.

During interactions, children need their conversation partners to provide them with information that relates to the topic of conversation. It must be relevant and appropriate to the child’s language level, so it can be used as a building block to aid what the child already knows.

Our Cubs room provides the kind of environment where children are nurtured and provided with opportunities for positive enjoyable interactions throughout the day.


Lions Room

Our lions room caters for children aged 30-36 months.

This room is led by Amy, our level 5 practitioner who is assisted by Sarah who is a level 3 practitioner with over 20 years of early years experience. By this room our children should be chatting away with staff and their peers, creating a lively exciting environment full of chatter.

The staff work around the children’s varying conversational styles, building on the children’s independence and confidence.They strive to create an environment, which changes weekly, to promote self esteem and language learning.

Pre School Classroom (3-4 years)

This room has full length windows providing countryside views, with double doors out onto a purpose play area. The room leader is a level 6 practitioner with a wealth of experience with pre school children.

We like to prepare our pre school children for their next steps to school, and we promote independence
at all levels.