We have made it to February, Im sure we are all happy to see January out of the way ?

So this month the baby room will be focusing on travel and different cultures. We are hoping that our parents can provide pictures of their families near and wide for our cultural board. It doesn’t matter wether your family live’s in Sutton or Australia, we would like to have them on our board.

Swann room will be exploring likes and dislikes. There will be a toy of the week linked to the planning, and we will be encouraging the children to express their choices. The story of the month will be “The Train Ride” and we ask you all to provide pictures of you and your family exploring the world around us ?

Caterpillar room will be continuing with the Sammy Sock theme, which is a book linked to emotions and friendship, and Pre School are looking at “All about Me” as we have had some children transition through to the room. Both rooms will also look at healthy living this month, incorporating diet and exercise into their routines.

All rooms will be making and baking for Valentines day, and whipping up some pancakes for the end of the months Pancake day !

Sadly this month we say goodbye to Michelle from our Swann room, we wish her well in her next venture.