Our theme for this month is Space, Planets and the Moon.
Pre school are already busy making spaceships, and Caterpillar room’s book of the month is Aliens Love Underpants by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort, a firm favourite with the children.
The chicks left us on Friday, for a new life on a local farm. We have all enjoyed having the chicks in the nursery, and lots of parents are telling us that the children have been chatting at home about them.
All the children will be involved in planting this month. Swan’s room have planted strawberry plants, caterpillar have planted tomato plants, our babies will grow Sunflowers and pre school will be involved in growing a variety of flowers, and tomatoes.
Some of you may have noticed that we are painting the garden area, its still a work in progress.
Well May has sent us some great weather so far, so please don’t forget to put a sun hat and sun cream in your child’s bag, we do have outdoor play every day.
Also a reminder about the front door. Please make sure you close it when you leave the building. During the good weather we always have the doors open into the garden area, and this creates a draft through the corridor which prevents the door from self closing. We do always ask that you secure the door when leaving the nursery.
The setting will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday on the 30th May.