November News

November News

Well the dark nights are with us, Winter has arrived.

This month we will be celebrating Diwali, bonfire night and remembrance day. The children will be focusing on use of colours in their art work, and making displays in the rooms. They will make their own poppies, and engage in some science work by experimenting with mixing colours together.

Friday 18th November is children in need day and we are having a pyjama dress up day.  We would also like the children to bring in a favourite teddy to nursery for our teddy bears picnic.Could we ask you to send a £1.00 into the setting that day to raise money for a great cause.

Children Pictures will be back at the nursery on Monday 12th November, can’t wait to see them all, we got some great shots of the children indoors and out.

December dates: Pre school party is on Thursday 8th December 2pm -4pm, all pre school children welcome.

Caterpillar children will have a zoo lab christmas special visit on Tuesday 13th December 11.00am-12.00. Once again all children welcome to attend from Caterpillar room.

Babies, and our Swans children will be hosting a music morning on Wednesday 14th December, all parents Welcome to attend, only 2 adults per child please.

Nursery will close on Friday 23rd December at 4.00pm. We will re-open on Tuesday 3rd January at 07.30pm.