Opening 1st June

Opening 1st June

Morning , hope you are all enjoying the glorious weather?
I have received a few emails from parents asking about our new procedures when we open in June. I do intend to send you all letters this week, as there is a lot to explain. Guidelines are changing on a daily basis, but be assured we are busy working on a very detailed risk assessment, which is based around social distancing, small groups, and reducing touch points. We have work on going at the setting installing new changing pods, and removing all soft toys.
We will take measures with our staff to ensure they are well prior to commencing work in the setting. Staff will be temperature tested on arrival, and will complete a health questionnaire daily. Staff have all safety measures in place, alcohol based sanitisers, gloves, aprons, masks and visors.
The letters will be very detailed, and with you shortly.
On the plus side I cant wait to see all the children in the setting again, enjoying the weather in our garden.