Its been a difficult secret to keep, but now we have the ofsted report in our hands we can finally share the news with you all.On Thursday 10th August we had our ofsted inspection. The inspector arrived at the nursery at 08.20am and spent the whole day with us, leaving at 5.45pm, after awarding the nursery an OUTSTANDING grade.

The inspector, Jennifer Turner, spent time in all the rooms observing our practise and talking to staff.She spent time in the office with me,(sharon) and checked all our recruitment and training procedures , as well as policies and staff qualifications. She also spoke to available parents at the setting.

Some of her quotes were;

“All the children make excellent progress in their learning and development. Staff plan exceptional activities that challenge children, including the older and most-able children”

“Staff track children’s progress meticulously. The manager and staff provide swift, targeted support for individuals and groups of children. This helps close the gap in learning and ensure that all children make the best progress possible.”

“Staff have high expectations of children to be independent and this helps them to swiftly learn to do things for themselves. Children’s behaviour is exemplary and they demonstrate high levels of respect for others.Staff give children an abundance of praise and help them to develop confidence.”

The full report is available in print at the nursery for any of you who would like one, and we will be publishing it on the website in the near future.